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1 What would be a suitable reply to the following question? 'Fancy a bite to eat?'
  No thanks, I've just had some.
No thanks, I've just had something.
No thanks, I'm not really very thirtsy.
No thanks, I'm trying to give up.
The possible answers were:
No thanks, I've just had some.
No thanks, I've just had something.
No thanks, I'm not really very thirtsy.
No thanks, I'm trying to give up.

You said: No thanks, I've just had some. No thanks, I've just had something. No thanks, I'm not really very thirtsy. No thanks, I'm trying to give up.   

选择正确。Although the question asks about 'a bite to eat', we answer with 'I've just had something',我刚刚吃过. 
不对,因为从生理上看,人不能戒食。You can give up smoking, but it's not a good idea to give up food!
2 What would be a suitable reply to the following question? 'Would you like some more?'
  No thanks, I'm still a bit peckish.
No thanks, I couldn't eat another thing.
No thanks, I'm starving.
No thanks, I want to go home now.
The possible answers were:
No thanks, I'm still a bit peckish.
No thanks, I couldn't eat another thing.
No thanks, I'm starving.
No thanks, I want to go home now.

You said: No thanks, I'm still a bit peckish. No thanks, I couldn't eat another thing. No thanks, I'm starving. No thanks, I want to go home now.   

错误。这会被视为很无礼。This would be considered quite rude!
不对,'Peckish' 是非正式用语,意思是有点饿,想吃点东西。
不对, starving 是饿极了的意思,very hungry.
选择正确,这是很客气谢绝的说法。This is a polite way of refusing more food. 
3 What would be a suitable reply to the following question? 'Do you want a fag?'
  No thanks, I don't drink.
No thanks, I'm trying to give up.
No thanks, I'm teetotal.
No thanks, I'm trying to lose a few pounds.
The possible answers were:
No thanks, I don't drink.
No thanks, I'm trying to give up.
No thanks, I'm teetotal.
No thanks, I'm trying to lose a few pounds.

You said: No thanks, I don't drink. No thanks, I'm trying to give up. No thanks, I'm teetotal. No thanks, I'm trying to lose a few pounds.   

在英式英语里, a 'fag'意思是 a cigarette,一支烟。不过,美式英语不这样说。
不对,因为 teetotal 这个形容词的意思是绝对戒酒的, don’t drink alcohol at all, (在英式英语里, a 'fag'意思是 a cigarette,一支烟。)
选择正确。在英式英语里, a 'fag'意思是 a cigarette,一支烟. A lot of people are trying to give up smoking. 
不对。trying to lose a few pounds.是正在减肥的意思。 on some kind of a diet.
4 What would NOT be a suitable reply to the following question? 'Fancy a drink?'
  No thanks, I'm teetotal.
Oh I think I've had one too many already.
Go on, one for the road.
I am feeling a bit peckish.
The possible answers were:
No thanks, I'm teetotal.
Oh I think I've had one too many already.
Go on, one for the road.
I am feeling a bit peckish.

You said: No thanks, I'm teetotal. Oh I think I've had one too many already. Go on, one for the road. I am feeling a bit peckish.   

选择不对,因为这句话的意思是离开前的最后一杯。One last drink before you go home.
选择正确。If you feel a bit peckish (有点饿)you are a little hungry. 
不对。 teetotal 是戒酒者的意思,那么意味着 you don’t drink alcohol.
选择错误。在酒吧或聚会等场合你经常会听到人们说这句话,意思是已经喝多了。This person is probably feeling a bit drunk.
5 What would NOT be a suitable reply to the following question? 'Would you like a lift home?'
  Sure, if you're not going out of your way.
That'd be great!
Sorry, I haven't got enough money to pay.
It's OK, I quite fancy the walk.
The possible answers were:
Sure, if you're not going out of your way.
That'd be great!
Sorry, I haven't got enough money to pay.
It's OK, I quite fancy the walk.

You said: Sure, if you're not going out of your way. That'd be great! Sorry, I haven't got enough money to pay. It's OK, I quite fancy the walk.   

错。这是一句很礼貌的回答,This reply is polite and friendly.
选择正确。如果有人主动提出用车送你回家 a lift (搭车),他们是会收费的。 they are offering to take you in their car (for free!) 
错。这是一句很礼貌的回答,This reply is polite and friendly.
错。这是一句很礼貌的回答,This reply is polite and friendly.
6 What would NOT be a suitable reply to the following question? 'Shall I take your bag?'
  No it's mine!
No it's fine, I can manage.
It's not too heavy.
If you wouldn't mind, thanks.
The possible answers were:
No it's mine!
No it's fine, I can manage.
It's not too heavy.
If you wouldn't mind, thanks.

You said: No it's mine! No it's fine, I can manage. It's not too heavy. If you wouldn't mind, thanks.   

作者:李老师(798495)06-10-21 16:43回复此贴
作者:黄老师(112107)07-01-14 11:33回复此贴
共有回复1篇 1
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